Sunday, December 20, 2009

Test drive newborn.

Dear Parents-to-be,

There is a commonly accepted idea that couples, before they even consider having children, should get a pet. This, I assume, is to test their abilities to care for another living thing besides each other. Something that needs training and attention and doesn't understand what you're saying. In theory, it is a sound concept. If you can't look after a turtle, then you shouldn't have a baby.

However I feel there is a hole in the logic of this process. Basically, you can't raise a child like you can an animal. Sure, there are similarities, but if you're looking for some baby-raising tips, I'd suggest looking elsewhere. The following is a list of reasons why getting a pet does not prepare you for having a baby.
  • You can't keep a baby in a cage.
  • Lining a baby's room with newspaper does not count as a diaper replacement.
  • Similarly, a baby cannot be forced to use a box of sand as a toilet.
  • It is not okay to not know the sex of your own child.
  • You can't use a plastic bag to clean up after a baby in public.
  • You can't raise a child purely for the purposes of breeding it.
  • Conversely, you can't neuter a baby is you don't want it breeding in future.
  • You can't feed a baby your leftovers.
  • Similarly, uncooked week old meat is not a safe or nutritious meal.
  • Hiding their food is not a way to distract them for a few hours.
  • Dangerous babies do not give you an edge.
  • If your baby bites another child, this will not be viewed as playing.
  • Putting your name and phone number on a collar around their neck is not an appropriate loss prevention technique.
  • An old blanket in the laundry does not count as a bed.
  • You should not have a second baby for the sole reason of keeping the first one company when you go out.
  • Leaving the radio on and locking them in their room is not a substitute for a baby-sitter.
  • If you go on holiday, you can't just leave your baby in the yard and pay the neighbours to feed it.
  • Babies must take a bath more than once a month.
  • You cannot restrict a baby to one part of the house for their entire lives.
  • If your child humps your leg, or anyone else's for that matter, it is not cute or funny.
  • Similarly, it is not okay if your child humps teddy bears, pillows or other children, particularly if it is non-consensual.
  • Letting your child sniff other children is weird.
  • You cannot race them against other children and bet on it.
  • You cannot ride your child around your yard.
  • You can't fatten up your children so that you may eat them at a later date.
  • If your baby gets too big you cannot simply give them to a family friend who lives on acreage.
  • You cannot shoot your baby if it breaks its leg.
  • Also, putting your child down if their medical bills get too expensive and you think they've had a good life is highly inappropriate.
  • If your child licks its own testicles or anus, you should be concerned.
  • You will not be excited if your child unexpectedly falls pregnant, particularly if you do not know who the father is.
  • It is not okay for your child to give birth to octuplets on the bathroom floor.
  • Letting your baby eat bugs, lizards, grass or their own faeces is unhygienic.
  • You cannot let your baby catch mice, birds or toads.
  • Similarly, if you find any of the above hidden around the house or half-buried in the yard, you should be concerned.
  • Do not milk them.
  • If your child dies, you cannot flush them down the toilet or bury them in the yard.
  • If your child does die, people will notice if you try to replace it with one that looks the same.
I hope I've helped you in your baby making endeavours.


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